OK. Here is a simple task that I am trying to achieve all through out tonight. Loading Huge Table Over DBLINK I have a big (infact very big) table on one database (SRCDB) and I am trying to pull the data from that table to a table in different database (TGTDB). Both SRCDB and TGTDB reside in different HP Unix servers connected over network. And I have only SELECT privilege on the SRCDB table. The table has no index (And I am not allowed to create an index, or any database object for that matter, in the SRCDB). But the SRCDB table has many partitions, only one of which I am supposed to pull from that. Let's suppose the SRCDB table has 10 partitions. Each partition has 500 million records. And as I said above, I need to pull data from only one partition to the target. So what will be the best suited strategy here? My Options When I started to think about this, following options came into my mind: 1. Using Transportable Table Space 2. Using CTAS over DBLink 3. Using direct load path 4...
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